Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's starting to look a lot like a cabin!

After a week's worth of work - it's really starting to look like a cabin! Click here to go to the photo gallery. The latest photos are at the top.

For those who want all of the boring details of our time at the lake, here you go:

Friday 10/12: We picked up and loaded the giant U-haul with 250 pieces of molding, 5 doors, 12 cabinets, 6 light fixtures, 2 counter tops and a lot of extras (big thanks to Greg Miller for helping to load)

Saturday 10/13: We drove to the lake, unloaded the truck and Aunt Lori picked up Julia for a day with the cousins (thanks Aunt Lori!). Then we collapsed.

Sunday 10/14: Big work day. Built and installed window casings and painted, picked up little Julia from Aunt Lori.

Monday 10/15: Continued building window casings, started ceiling and floor molding, started painting molding.

Tuesday 10/16: Installed more window and trim molding (man these 23 windows look great - but what a lot of work!), built and painted a 12-foot window seat.

Wednesday 10/17: Furniture arrives (thanks for the delivery Uncle Gar!) and we take the day off and go to Hot Springs. Note to self - no matter how much a 6-year-old begs to go to the wax museum - don't take them - 6-year-olds get very, very scared at wax museums!

Thursday 10/18: And on the seventh day, the contractor in the sky said "Let there be water!." Yes, our wonderful plummer made the final water connections and we have a flushing toilet and a working bathtub. We're so happy that we spend our first night at the cabin. We also managed to build and paint the loft railing, meet more neighbors, visited with our lake family - the Brett's and the Gathrights, and (of course) cased more windows!

Friday 10/19: We installed doors and pocket doors, painted trim, installed kitchen wall cabinets, built the frame for the kitchen island and had a visit from Grandma and Papa David. Thanks for helping out with Julia Grandma and Papa David.

Saturday: We rested and had a family play day! Also Grandpa and Vicki stopped by for dinner - too much fun!

Sunday: We cleaned up and headed home.

Just want to say thanks again to everyone who has helped so far. It takes a village to build a cabin.

Peace -The Sanders

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The caption says: "It's cabin fever, but I've never seen it this acute."

My sweet wife clipped this cartoon for me years ago. I had completely forgotten about it until she gave it to me today, nicely framed. I love you baby (Brooke that is - although the cabin is pretty sweet too).

Monday, October 08, 2007

So sleepy...

Man is that ceiling tall!
Originally uploaded by The Sanders
Too tired to write much after my tree-and-a-half day cabin work marathon. Big accomplishments: floor prep, floor acid staining, floor sealing, 17-foot vaulted ceiling primed and painted with two coats, living walls all primed and painted, loft floor stained and lots other little projects finished. Still have all of the trim and millwork to go. Check out all the pictures here (new picts on the top row). Big thanks to Natalie, Kyle, Dad and Vicki for helping on Saturday!!! Will write more soon. Must sleep now.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Big Accomplishment!!!!

Well the sheet rock is up and finished. Thanks to the elders for taking these spy shots earlier this week (before the dry wall was complete). We're heading to the cabin this weekend for lots of floor staining and wall/ceiling painting! Thanks in advance to Dad, Natalie and Kyle (Natalie's boyfriend) for volunteering to help us this weekend. If you want to see more recon photos, click here. Peace -Rob

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cabin Workshop (formerly know as the Sanders garage)

Well, we're in crazy cabin mode at the Sanders' house. Since we have so much activity going on, I decided that this was a good time to jump start my first blogging effort. I've been inspired by our friend Anne who is blogging while she is living in Germany for two years. You can check out her wonderful blog here.

Our builder has just started sheet rocking and after that, we take over. As you can see from the photo, the garage at our primary home has been consumed with all things cabin. Click on the picture and you'll go straight to our Flickr site where you can hover over the image and be bored with all the details!

If you want to catch up on all of the cabin photos at our Flickr site, click here.

I'll be posting regular updates - but for now - I must get back to assembling cabinets!

Peace -Rob

Cabin Photos to Date

Hello everyone. For those new to the cabin project, you can follow this link to check out all of the cabin photos so far. http://www.flickr.com/photos/sandersonline/sets/72157594331940259/