Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cabin Workshop (formerly know as the Sanders garage)

Well, we're in crazy cabin mode at the Sanders' house. Since we have so much activity going on, I decided that this was a good time to jump start my first blogging effort. I've been inspired by our friend Anne who is blogging while she is living in Germany for two years. You can check out her wonderful blog here.

Our builder has just started sheet rocking and after that, we take over. As you can see from the photo, the garage at our primary home has been consumed with all things cabin. Click on the picture and you'll go straight to our Flickr site where you can hover over the image and be bored with all the details!

If you want to catch up on all of the cabin photos at our Flickr site, click here.

I'll be posting regular updates - but for now - I must get back to assembling cabinets!

Peace -Rob

Cabin Photos to Date

Hello everyone. For those new to the cabin project, you can follow this link to check out all of the cabin photos so far.